For the second time in its history, Pneurop has to hold its Plenary Meeting in virtual format.
The 2021 Plenary Meeting was held on 25-26 May in for the second time in virtual format. The annual gathering included:
- A “Get-To-Know-Each-Others” meeting between CEIR, Europump and Pneurop, starting with a Panel Discussion between the three associations’ Presidents. In addition to providing a brief overview of their individual organisations and given priorities, the session allowed for common issues to be identified and discussed, included the societal and economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic recovery, the circular economy and other environmental policy considerations, as well as the impact of digitalisation across the manufacturing sector, in relation to both production processes and end products. From the discussion, it became obvious that the three organisations have shared many similar interests over the years, and increasingly so around international standards and energy use reduction measures. It was agreed that they could better harvest that expertise by forging closer links and a more collaborative approach to certain activities. Following the Panel Discussion, the Orgalim Partnership Team provided delegates with an update on the latest EU regulatory landscape, which will affect members of all three associations over the coming months and years. The event, which was attended by just under 100 delegates, concluded with an informal get-together for participants to virtually mingle.
- The association’s annual Statutory Meetings, including the Plenary Meeting, that elected as President of Pneurop Luc de Beul, Vice President New Business Technologies, Airtec Division, at Atlas Copco, and representative in the Pneurop Council of our Belgian member association Agoria. The Plenary meeting was also the place and time to approve the accounts for 2020 and a budget for 2022, and for the past President Jouko Peussa to review last year’s accomplishments and to propose perspectives for the upcoming period. Partcipants also heard a presentation by our American sister association CAGI.