In order to collect information from stakeholders, ECHA ran a six-month consultation ran from 22 March to 25 September 2023, during which it received over 5600 comments.
Pneurop agrees that PFAS should only be used where strictly necessary and fully supports the restriction of PFAS into the environment. However, as there are no alternatives available today and in the foreseeable future for critical applications, the use of those PFAS containing applications should remain possible in a controlled way (collection, recycling, appropriate disposal).We must avoid regrettable substitutions for our customers in the medical, food and beverage, energy and many other sectors.
Even though the amount of PFAS in our products is very small (<< 0,1% by weight), there are PFAS containing parts in all of them. The impact of a ban in Europe will imply a closure of the European factories of our members with 100% loss of employment (>>10.000 people) and revenues (>20b€).
Pneurop submitted four papers to elaborate in more detail the use, value, and challenges of our major product types (compressors, air treatment, process gay compressors, vacuum technology). You can access them here